What this is headline
We believe travel is for everyone. When students go beyond the classroom it brings education to life, unlocks new potential, and opens a world of possibilities. That’s why we prioritize safety, value, and the kind of learning that prepares students for the future and their futures.
Who is this
for headline
Dana Mortenson is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of World Savvy, a national education nonprofit working to educate and engage youth as responsible global citizens. World Savvy supports change agents in K–12 education to create more inclusive, adaptive schools that ensure all young people can develop the skills and dispositions needed to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world.
Who is this
for headline
Dana Mortenson is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of World Savvy, a national education nonprofit working to educate and engage youth as responsible global citizens. World Savvy supports change agents in K–12 education to create more inclusive, adaptive schools that ensure all young people can develop the skills and dispositions needed to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world.
EF Impact headline
We believe travel is for everyone. When students go beyond
the classroom it brings education to life, unlocks new potential, and opens a world of possibilities.
That’s why we prioritize safety, value, and the kind of
learning that prepares students for the future and their futures.
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