Travel on an
tour—for free

Travel on an
tour—for free

Why do we offer first-time Group Leaders the chance to experience a free, educator-only training tour before they show their students the world? It helps them feel comfortable when they depart for their own educational travel experience. (Plus, it’s super fun.) Enter for your chance to win a spot on one of these tours and give educational travel a try before deciding to travel with your students.

Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3
Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3
Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3

Why do we offer first-time Group Leaders the chance to experience a free, educator-only training tour before they lead their students abroad? It helps them feel comfortable when they depart for their own educational travel experience. (Plus, it’s super fun.) Enter for your chance to win a spot on one of these tours and give educational travel a try before deciding to travel with your students.

Travel for free even if you don’t win

Travel for free
even if you
don’t win

Here’s the thing about this giveaway: Anyone can travel on a free, educator-only training tour. Really. Anyone. That means you. First-time Group Leaders who sign up a minimum number of students for tour are invited to experience an EF tour with fellow educators in cities like Berlin, New York, Paris, or Rome.

Fellow educators reflect
on their experience

Fellow educators
reflect on their

So many teachers like you have been on one of our training tours. And they’ve got lots to say about the impact of the experience.

Enter to win. Travel for free. Get excited to show your students the world.

Enter now